Experiments in the field of physics, split the atom and found another world. lnvestigations into the nucleus of the atom gave rise to nuclear physics. Investigations into the field of electrons gave rise to electronics. The growing knowledge in these fields has advanced man’s ability far beyond what could have been imagined a few decades ago.

As our knowledge of the finer fields of creation is increasing it is enabling us to be more powerful in life.

Underneath the subtlest layer of all that exists in the relative field is the abstract, absolute field of pure Being which is unmanifested and transcendental. It is neither matter nor energy. It is pure Being, the state of existence.

This state of pure existence underlies all that exists. Everything is the expression of this pure existence or absolute Being which is the essential constituent of all relative life.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the "Beatles' guru", succeeded in making transcendental meditation (TM) his personal trademark. With a degree in physics, he made sure to embellish his brand of TM with science. In every section of his book, Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation, published in 1963 and later -- in the heat of the anti-war movement and the frenzy of Indian gurus' migration to the West -- republished in 1968, the Maharishi connives to establish a connection between physics and TM. Below is his ostensibly convincing argument for the connection between physics and Being (his alternative name for TM).

This is a very common trick used by New Age gurus to support their claim of the unity of science and mysticism: Start with some scientific truth, then immediately write your claim. Although the two have absolutely nothing in common, the reader -- seeing them in proximity of each other -- is tricked into tying them together. Here is my proof of the scientific basis for Santa Claus:

Experiments in the field of physics, split the atom and found another world. lnvestigations into the nucleus of the atom gave rise to nuclear physics. Investigations into the field of electrons gave rise to electronics. The growing knowledge in these fields has advanced man’s ability far beyond what could have been imagined a few decades ago.

As our knowledge of the finer fields of creation is increasing it is enabling us to be more powerful in life.

Underneath the subtlest layer of all that exists in the relative field is the abstract, absolute field of pure State of Santa Claus which is unmanifested and transcendental. It is neither matter nor energy. It is pure State of Santa Claus.

This State of Santa Claus underlies all children's imagination. Every toy a child receives is the expression of this pure State of Santa Claus which is the essential constituent of all relative childish wish.